If you have been accused of a crime you need an experienced attorney by your side. The prospect of a criminal record, fines, jail time, restitution fees, and loss of a license or property can be overwhelming. We can help you understand the charges you are facing and what the likely outcome will be. Whether you have broken the law or are innocent, we will aggressively fight to protect your rights.
Even if you believe you are guilty, Utah criminal procedure encourages the settlement of cases to benefit the State, City, victims, and defendant. This includes eliminating or reducing charges and the associated penalties in exchange for a speedy resolution of the case. We have worked with every prosecuting agency in the Southern Utah area to negotiate fair, reasonable, and sometimes unique resolutions to criminal prosecutions; and we can do the same for you.
We have helped people through a wide range of criminal law matters, including felony and misdemeanor drug charges, assault, DUI, minor in possession, harassment, domestic violence, prostitution, protective order violations, traffic law violations, and many other charges. We have also helped people clear their criminal records by reducing or expunging prior convictions.
DUI, Driving Under the Influence
A charge for driving under the influence is one of the most complex criminal law matters in Utah. One DUI can result in a loss of your driver’s license, fines, jail time, requirement of an interlock device in your vehicle, increased insurance rates, alcohol related therapy, and probation. Also, you must win your case in both the criminal court and Department of Licensing administrative proceeding to prevent these penalties from being imposed. Because of the serious and extensive penalties associated with a DUI you need an experienced attorney to help you through the process. It is commonly known that law enforcement officers can make mistakes regarding what they see and hear and how they treat you. These mistakes can seriously affect the validity of the charges against you. Let us review your case and make sure your rights are protected.
Call today. You only have 10 days from the date of arrest to request an administrative hearing.